Year 1 Class Page

Welcome to Year 1
Beech and Birch 
On our year group page, we have important dates for your diaries, information about the Year 1 curriculum and useful resources for both parents and children.

Miss Collinson, Mrs Johnson & Mrs Phillips

Miss Alice Collinson

Birch Class Teacher (Monday - Thursday)

Mrs Emma Johnson

Beech Class Teacher

Mrs Emma Phillips

Birch Class Teacher (Friday)

Our Teaching and Learning Support Team
Mrs Nikki Smith

Higher Teaching and Learning Assistant

Mrs Lisa Couling

Teaching and Learning Assistant

If you would like to get in contact with us, please send us an email or contact us through your Class Dojo account and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Key Dates
Summer Term 1 and 2 2024
Monday 15th April - Children Return to School for Summer Term
Tuesday 30th April - Parent Phonics meeting - 3.30- 4.15pm
Monday 6th May - May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 24th May - Last Day of Term
Monday 27th - Friday 31st May - Half Term Week
Monday 3rd June - Children Back to School
Tuesday 4th June - Tempest Class Photos
Week beginning 10th June - Phonics screening check
Monday 24th June - KS2 Sports Day (Morning) EYFS/KS1 (Afternoon)
Wednesday 26th June - Reserve Sports Day
Friday 28th June - PTA Summer Fair
Monday 8th July - Transition Afternoon (Meet New Year 2 Teacher) 
Thursday 11th July - Art Exhibition
Friday 12th July - Children's School Reports Go Home Today
Friday 19th July - Last Day of Term
Year 1 Summer Term Curriculum Map
Physical Education

Monday - Indoor PE
Thursday afternoon - Outdoor PE
P.E Kit
 Please can you ensure that your child comes to school wearing their named PE kit on the above days. This includes the following:
* A white t-shirt
* Navy blue shorts
* Socks
* Navy blue tracksuit
* Sports trainers that provide full support (no fashion brands please)  

A simple named bag with a draw string is a convenient way of carrying and storing PE clothing.

For safety reasons earrings must be removed or taped over during PE. Hair must be tied up for PE.


Thank you for your support.
Year 1 Long Term Curriculum Map
Getting to know Y1
 Reading at home

Your child will have three separate reading books to take home each week.


1)     Core Story Book – Oxford Owl eBook (online)


After your child has finished reading a story book in class, their reading teacher will issue the same book for your child to read via our online eBook service. These will be issued every 3/4 days. You will find your child’s log in to Oxford Owl in their reading diary. After reading the story, there will be a quiz to complete to support comprehension. Your child will have worked hard to learn to read this book in school so please celebrate their success in reading it to you fluently! Please add this to the reading diary and write a comment. An adult may need to read the questions.


2)     Book Bag Book


This book will be changed every Friday and can be found in your child’s book bag. Our Book Bag Books build upon the ideas of the stories your child has read in school. Explanations about how to use the books can be found in the cover. Please read this guidance carefully and rehearse the sounds and words with your child before reading the story. This will aid fluency development. Your child may need some support in reading this book but it will contain sounds they are familiar with and therefore should be read to you independently. Please support your child to read this book to you at least twice over the course of a week and write this in your child’s reading diary, dating 1st and 2nd read with a comment to staff if appropriate. You should notice an improvement with each read.


e.g Scruffy Ted gets lost – 1st read - **/**/** Read all of the red words.

                                2nd read - **/**/** Used a great story teller voice.


3) A reading for pleasure book


This book is designed to promote a love of reading for your child. They choose this book independently based on their current interests. We have a wide range of both fiction and non fiction that the children can select from.

Your child is not expected to be able to read this book independently as it may contain sounds that they are not familiar with. The purpose of this book is for your child to share this with an adult and to discuss the text and pictures with interest. They can read this book once at home before bringing it back into school to be changed. 


 Please ensure your child has their reading book and diary in school every day. 
Year 1 Spelling and Handwriting 
Phonics useful links
E-safety resources