After School Clubs

Extra Curricular Clubs at Elburton
The passion to offer superb personal development, beyond the curriculum, is shown by all staff at EPS. The offer for our children is broad and the school is motivated to give the children the best experience in school as we can. This includes extra-curricular clubs. As evidenced with the Platinum Games Award, EPS offers more after school clubs than other schools in the City and certainly in line with the most active schools nationwide.
The impact of this wide offer is clear to see. This is both in terms of healthy, happy children and also in the statistics of children who attend events.
At the end of the 2023/24 academic year, the school completed a study on attendance at extra curricular clubs. The findings are below:
195/247 KS2 children have attended an after-school club (79%)
39/49 KS2 children who are Pupil Premium attended an after-school club (80%)
Many children attended more than one club. One child last year took part in an impressive 13 clubs throughout the year!
Examples of Clubs at Elburton Primary School
Military Kids Club
Theatre Club
Tag Rugby
Football Clubs
Running Club
Chess Club
Book Club
Mini Police
Athletics Club
Young Carers Club
Triathlon Club