Welcome to Reception
Ash (Mrs Churchill) and Aspen (Miss Vincent)
On our year group page, we have important dates for your diaries, information about the Early Years Curriculum and useful resources for both parents and children.
We regularly update our Class Dojo page with photos of what we are getting up to in Reception and we also upload photographs on Facebook. If you are not already 'following' us, please do get involved.
Tapestry is an online learning journey that will document your child's learning experiences in school and we encourage you to share moments from home too.
We hope that the children are all excited about the term ahead. We have lots of exciting things planned!
Mrs Churchill and Miss Vincent and the wonderful Reception Team.
Our Teaching Support Team
If you would like to get in contact with us please contact us through your class Dojo account and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Any urgent enquiries please telephone to School Office. Please do not hesitate to contact us, even if it may seem trivial. We are here to help you and your child on their journey into and through school.
Key Dates
Summer Term 2024
Wild Tribe - Tuesday
PE - Friday (your child will wear their PE Kit to school)
Monday 15th April - Children Return to School for Summer Term
EYFS Curriculum Map 2023-2024
Reception Curriculum Overviews 2023-2024
How to 'Say the Sounds' when teaching your child to read
Reading in Foundation
A reading for pleasure book.
This book is designed to promote a love of reading for your child. They choose this book independently based on their current interests. We have a wide range of both fiction and non fiction that the children can select from.
Your child is not expected to be able to read this book independently as it may contain sounds that they are not familiar with. The purpose of this book is for your child to share this with an adult and to discuss the text and pictures with interest. They can read this book once at home before bringing it back into school to be changed.
Please ensure your child has their reading book and diary in school every day. The day for changing these books is a Thursday but if your child would like to change sooner, they are able to.
Once your child is ready, they will begin to bring reading books home that are matched to their Phonic Ability. The children are assess every six weeks to ensure that they always receive high quality phonics teaching and text matched to their exactly need.