Year 3 Class Page

Welcome to Year 3
Elm Class & Elder Class

On this page, we have information about the Year 3 curriculum, home learning, PE days, and useful websites for both parents and children. 

Mrs Woodhams and Miss Alford 
Miss Emma Alford

Elder Class Teacher - PSHE Lead

Mrs Charlotte Woodhams

Elm Class Teacher- Design and Technology Lead

Supporting Adults in Year 3
Mrs Helen Poole

HLTA - MFL and Music deputy lead.

Mrs Emma Phillips

HLTA - Music Lead

Mr Jack Ryan

Teaching Assistant

Mr Lewis Treleaven

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Melanie Duggan
Mrs Deborah Siddalls
Miss Jessica Miller
Key Dates
Summer Term 1 and 2 2024
Monday 15th April - Children Return to School for Summer Term
Sunday 28th April - Half Marathon Challenge - Plymouth Hoe
Monday 6th May - May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 24th May - Last Day of Term
Monday 27th - Friday 31st May - Half Term Week
Monday 3rd June - Children Back to School
Tuesday 4th June - Tempest Class Photos
Monday 24th June - KS2 Sports Day (Morning) EYFS/KS1 (Afternoon)
Wednesday 26th June - Reserve Sports Day
Friday 28th June - PTA Summer Fair
Monday 8th July - Transition Afternoon (Meet New Year 4 Teacher) 
Friday 12th July - PTA Summer Disco
Friday 12th July - Children's School Reports Go Home Today
Friday 19th July - Last Day of Term
What are Year 3 learning this year?
Click on the document below
What are Year 3 learning this term?
Click on the document below
PE Days
This term, your child will have two PE lessons a week. All children need to arrive at school in their Elburton PE kit on the days that they have PE.
Indoor PE - Monday
Outdoor PE - Wednesday

For health and safety reasons, earrings should be small studs. Nose rings or other piercings are not deemed suitable. It is not desirable for children to wear other jewellery to school. Any jewellery and watches are the responsibility of the child and not the school.


PE Kit 


  •      White PE t-shirt
  •      Navy blue shorts
  •      White socks
  •      Elburton hoody (available from the PTA)
  •      Navy blue tracksuit in Winter
  •      Sports trainers which provide full support (no fashion brands)


For safety reasons, hair should be tied up for PE.




Children who have long hair must tie it back or wear a swimming hat. One-piece costumes and swimming shorts or trunks only. Please could we ask for no boarding shorts to be worn as they constitute a potential health and safety hazard and are not recommended as appropriate swimwear. Earrings must always be removed before swimming. A simple named bag with a draw string is a convenient way of carrying and storing PE clothing. 





What spellings do Year 3 children need to know?
Year 3 children will be learning high frequency words, common exception words and other set spellings using Read Write Inc spelling formats.
We will continue to introduce a new spelling rule every Monday in school and practise it throughout the week. This term, we will be setting all spellings through Spelling Shed as well as sending a sheet for further practise. Spelling tests will take place on Fridays.
What is Accelerated Reader and why do we do it?
Accelerated Reader is a computerised programme that is designed to improve children’s reading ability and to raise their reading age. 

The Accelerated Reader Program works by identifying a child’s ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) which is a selection of books that will not only match their ability, but will also challenge them and develop their vocabulary.


Each child takes an online comprehension test in order to determine their ZPD. Children will be directed to choose books from the class library that fall within this range. When they have finished the book, they will take a short, electronic quiz that assesses their understanding.  It also enables teachers to closely monitor individual reading progress and ensure that children are selecting books that are challenging enough to meet their individual needs. Teachers will have meaningful discussions about a child’s reading: what they have learnt and how we can help them to develop.


Children are encouraged to read through an award system linked to Accelerated Reader which monitors the challenge, quizzes as well as number of words children are reading.


To access a parents guide on the scheme please click on the link below. 


Parents guide to Accelerated Reader 


Reading at Home Expectations in Year 3
Reading takes priority over all home learning.
Children need to read aloud to you on a daily basis for 10-15 minutes to:
  • develop their fluency
  • give you the opportunity to explain the meaning of new words
  • to check understanding by asking questions
When your child completes a book, they will take a quiz in school on our Accelerated Reader platform. This tests their knowledge and understanding of what they have read.  The scores are recorded in the reading logs.
During the term, the children will have the opportunity to become a Reading Champion.  They will  be awarded a certificate for the quantity of books they read and the number of words they read.
We recommend that you read aloud to your child as much as possible, preferably a more challenging book that they would not necessarily choose or be able to read themselves.
The top 100 books for Year 3
Times Tables - are the crucial building blocks

It's vitally important and a crucial skill that children learn their maths times tables as instant recall of multiplication and division facts.

To learn times tables quickly, then very regular times tables practise is the key, and playing TT Rockstars can help this.


Children can also use TT Rockstars to consolidate their mathematical understanding further. It is expected that children practice for at least 20 minutes a week on TT Rockstars where they can also achieve certificates by increase their Rock Status by playing 'Studio Games'.

Useful links and resources for parents and children

Top Marks Maths

A web page full of number games and activities


Maths Playground

This is a website full of math games that encourage logical thinking and reasoning. It is the perfect site to help your child develop their mathematical knowledge in a fun and interactive way.


Spelling Shed

This website enables your child to learn their spellings through a fun and interactive way. Their weekly spelling lists will be uploaded to the site each week.



TO login you will require the username and password as follows:

Username - gt1015 and the Password - home.

This is a web site to help your child improve their joined handwriting and help them to master their letter formation. 


Oxford Owl

This is a free website that gives you access to free eBooks that you can share with your child at home.  


Pobble 365

This website gives you a different picture each day and provides you with some question prompts and ideas to help inspire and motivate children to write. 



This website is free to use and has lots of different science activities that you can work through.



Access to online books and the ability to complete Accelerated Reader quizzes linked to your child's AR profile.


Maths Home Learning with the White Rose Maths Hub

A Fantastic website which is linked directly to the maths curriculum at Elburton - children can access tutorials, activities and have the opportunity to check their answers.



Access to 35,000 books online for the children to enjoy and read for pleasure.



Audacity are proving children with the opportunity of listening to stories on their streaming service.  This is normally a payment only site so this is a fantastic opportunity for the children.


DK Information Books

Access to a range of information books and quizzes through the DK website.



Duolingo is an online website for children to continue their French learning whilst at home.
