Pre School

Welcome to Elburton Pre School
Elburton Preschool is an integral part of Elburton Primary School.  It is open for children aged 2.5 to 4 years old.  We currently give preference to 3 year old children and children in receipt of Me2 funding.  We follow all other admission preferences as per Plymouth City Council and our current admissions policy.  If registration allows, 2.5 year olds will gain a space, otherwise they will go to the top of the waiting list for the following September or sooner.
Timings for the Day
Breakfast Club            07:30    to    08:30
Morning session          08:30    to    11:30
Lunch                            11:30    to    12:30
Afternoon session        12:30    to    15:30
If you would like to get in contact with us please contact us through your Dojo account and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Any urgent enquiries please telephone School Office on 01752 404489. Please do not hesitate to contact us, even if it may seem trivial. We are here to help you and your child on their journey into and through school. We are always available on the door at every drop off and pick up.


Free Nursery Funding

Qualifying two year old's and every child from the term after their third birthday are entitled to 15 hours free nursery funding a week. In addition to this, eligible working families are also entitled to claim up to a total of 30 hours funding.

 For more information regarding this, and to see if you are eligible, visit the Government’s Childcare Choices webpage by clicking on the link below.

If your child is not entitled to funding and you have to purchase sessions, they are charged at £6.00 per hour. 

You are more than welcome to pop in and talk to a member of staff face to face. 


Consumables Fee

There is a termly (6 terms) voluntary contribution of £10, which is a Consumables Fee and helps to go towards snacks, food tasting, cooking activities, wild tribe snack, malleable ingredients eg flour etc for playdough, paints and a variety of learning resources to enhance your child's learning experience.  For further information regarding your child who is currently at Elburton Preschool or if you would like to enquire about your child starting at Preschool, please call the office on Tel. 01752 404489.



Meet the Early Years Team
Mrs C Churchill

Early Years Leader and Foundation Stage Teacher

Mrs T Sammels

Pre School Lead Teacher and Pre School SENDCo

Mrs Victoria Gibson

Early Years Lead Practitioner

Mrs N Opie

Deputy Leader, Early Years Practitioner and SENDCO assistant

Mrs Dani Brown

Early Years Practitioner

Mrs Marianne Miller

Early Years Apprentice and MTA

Mrs J Oak

Pre School Admin

Key Documents and Information
We love to foster independence in your children, so we encourage them to put on and take off their coats and hang on their peg, and to practice using their zips and buttons.  They will also have opportunities to pour their own milk, help to prepare their snack, practice putting wellies on and off and being able to use the toilet.
Oracy is the skill to be an effective communicator and is a focus at Preschool.  We will encourage your child to be a 'successful language learner', by promoting a love of books, listening to and retelling favourite stories and also making up their own stories.   The children have plenty of opportunities to listen and talk to each other.
Early Number
The Preschool encourages numerous mathematical activities through play in a variety of formats such as mathematical equipment, Numicon shapes, small pegs and compare bears and introducing mathematical concepts such as smaller and larger, more than and less than and sorting different objects.  We also have an interactive whiteboard that the children can access for educational games and mark making.
The children enjoy quality time in the garden, where they are free to explore all resources, such as water, sand, mud and sports equipment in a safe and secure environment and access all areas in all weather conditions, gaining independence by helping to put on their own wellie boots.  We have recently had the garden renovated and the children have been making full use of our construction area, where they can build towers using our bricks and wheelbarrows and a variety of tools.  We also have a dedicated bike area and a new Trim trail, where the children use the balance beam, cargo net, monkey bars and slide.
Mark Making
The children enjoy learning to hold different items of equipment and begin to develop their pre writing skills by mark making.  This can be using pens, pencils, paintbrushes, chalks or even sticks to make marks in the sand.  The interactive whiteboard is also used to create drawings using their fingers and the touch screen to choose different colours and designs.
The World Around Us
The children enjoy participating in a variety of themes and learning opportunities, throughout the Preschool environment.  We plan for specific events and in the moment activities and work closely with the Foundation team to ensure shared thinking.   The children are keen to learn about life cycles of chicks, tadpoles and butterflies, the use of technology in our ever changing world and relationships with their friends and families as well as the wider community.
Messy Play
The children love being creative and are encouraged to use their own ideas.  They explore using their senses and a variety of materials, such as play dough, goop and shaving foam.  They particularly enjoy painting, making bread and making and decorating biscuits/cakes, but also love getting their hands dirty in our mud kitchen or playing with the sand and water.
Imaginative Role Play
The children are given opportunities to extend their play by being encouraged to voice and act out their ideas and support each others suggestions.  They enjoy playing in the home corner, hospitals, vets, hairdressers and travel agents, developing their social skills and interacting with their peers.