
Science at Elburton
At Elburton Primary School, we believe that a high-quality science education provides children with the foundations  for understanding and exploring the world and natural phenomena that occur around them. As teachers of science, we aim to encourage a genuine passion for scientific knowledge and enquiry while harnessing children’s natural excitement and curiosity.
We want our pupils to be empowered to think creatively, rationally and critically and to be able to hypothesise, test, present and reflect on scientific ideas in light of their own findings or those gained from others.
At Elburton Primary School, we aim to nurture a love for the natural world and promote respect for everything in it, encompassing both the living and non-living elements. We aim to inspire and excite children for future possibilities in the scientific world; we encourage them to be active learners who take ownership of their own learning. “Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world”
All teachers at Elburton Primary School aim to promote the children’s science capital. We share positive attitudes to science learning and reinforce the idea that everyone is a scientist; all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in science. Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of science is as follows;
All year groups follow the objectives specified in the 2014 science national curriculum. These aim to develop the children’s scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Science is taught on a weekly basis for a minimum of 1 hour and is planned, taught and arranged in topic blocks by the class teacher. Each lesson builds upon the last to ensure that children achieve a greater depth of understanding and knowledge is transmitted to their long term memory. Prior learning is regularly revisited through quizzes and games to ensure that knowledge is secure in order to secure good progression and to address any significant misconceptions.
The children have plenty of opportunities to work independently, as well as collaboratively in mixed ability groups. The children are encouraged to communicate with one another and share their findings while reasoning and explaining.
At Elburton Primary School, all teachers have access to a knowledge progression map which shares the knowledge, vocabulary and skills that the children need to know or use in each year group (see in tabs below).
The working scientifically objectives are embedded throughout our science teaching and are not taught discreetly. We use clear symbols which make this explicit to the children.  All children are encouraged to problem solve and apply their knowledge to find out the answer themselves. These working scientifically skills are developed throughout their time at Elburton Primary School and teachers explicitly model thought processes and the use of a greater range of scientific equipment as the children move through the key stages.
The children are encouraged to ask questions and are given opportunities to use their scientific skills to research and discover the answer. Curiosity is regularly celebrated and promoted within the classroom.
Wherever possible, the children are offered a wider range of extra-curricular activities, visits or trips to complement and broaden the curriculum..
The children at Elburton Primary School receive a high quality science education that equips them with the scientific knowledge, vocabulary and skills that enable them understand the world that they live in. They are able to make links to the wider curriculum areas including Maths, Design and Technology and Computing and are able to recognise how scientific advances have helped shaped the world as we know it today.
Our children are able to appreciate the importance of science and can speak positively about their learning experiences. They are genuinely excited to speak about topical issues in science and they demonstrate a hunger to explore scientific phenomena. Our children at Elburton Primary School are curious, motivated learners who all see themselves as scientists. They are proud of their learning and are eager to share and celebrate this with others.
STEM club - Greenpower Goblin Kit Car 
Elburton Primary School has a new Science Technology Economics and Maths (STEM) club which offers young and upcoming engineers the opportunity to participate in this year's Greenpower Challenge.
Year 5 and Year 6 students have been selected to embark on an exciting project of building and racing a Goblin Kit car. The children have been taking part in this weekly after-school club to build their own car , working as a team and will continue to work together to design their own car which they look forward to racing at Perranporth Airfield on Tuesday 25th June.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Becton Dickinson and Company, also known as BD, as well as our school PTA for sponsoring us and supporting us financially, to ensure the children at Elburton have the opportunity to participate in this incredible event.
We look forward to seeing how Elburton's Goblin Kit car 'Flamborghini' will look as the weeks go on and how amazing the children will be on their race day! Stay tuned... 
Miss Amy Vincent

Science Lead

Miss Alice Collinson

Science Lead support

Mrs Natasha Griffiths

Science Lead support

Mrs Anna Clooke

Link Govenor

Mrs Carrie Tutte

Link Govenor